No tracking or analytics frameworks are active on the site, I hate them and I've no use for your data. All site assets are local to the server, no fetching of external fonts, CSS or JavaScript from CDNs with their own analytics.
I don't locally run the webserver, it is on a VPS and CloudFlare is used for security, etc. (I know they suck), so there's the usual aggregate data of visitors. If you care about that info, use a VPN.
This site is built with Jekyll because I prefer static webpages over anything else, but because of my brainworms I write nearly all the pages in plain HTML instead of MarkDown or whatever. Those same worms haven't eaten through the grey matter that has me using SASS for stylesheets instead of vanilla CSS.
Inter a sans-serif typeface for most body text.
Fraunces a serif typeface for headings.
Chivo a monospace font for preformatted and other misc. text.